Old websites - Archives #018

Old websites mockups ages like milk. As a web designer, I have seen (and participated!) in many major trends:

2009 - The Flash Era
2010 - The Skeuomorphic Era
2011 - The Mobile App Boom, Responsive web
2012 - Minimalist websites, Rise of Pinterest and Image-based Social Media
2013 - Parallax Websites, The Viral Video Craze
2014 - "Flat design" & The Selfie Phenomenon
2015 - The Live Streaming Surge, Material Design
2016 - Chatbot & Ai, The Pokémon GO Frenzy
2017 - Rise of Video Content, The Influencer Marketing Explosion
2018 - The Memes and Challenges Obsession

These are some older websites I worked on at iXmédia. There must have been some design flair that survived the ages.


CGAP annual reports - Archives #019


Revue Argument - Archives #017